Saturday, March 20, 2010

Caturday presents: Random Cat Toy

I have two kittens: Willie,who is 10-month old and Kimmie, who is 5 months old. Last time I had kittens this young, I was 8 years old and didn't really appreciate them like I do Willie and Kimmie.

One of my favorite things about these kittens are the toys that they find to amuse themselves. Anything laying on the floor or on a table is fair game for a cat toy in this house. In fact, every morning after I've scooped their litter boxes, Willie spends 20 minutes walking around the perimeter of it and scraping at the littler liner bag while Kimmie just SITS in the box. So it usually doesn't faze when I see one of them rolling around in a plastic bag or jumping up on the wall trying to catch light beams.

Even so, I was very surprised one morning this week when I saw Kimmie carrying around something small and white in her mouth. Once she dropped it on the floor I realized what it was: one of those push-up bra inserts. You know, the ones that were in those old-school Wonderbras. Most surprising is the fact that I haven't had one of these bras in YEARS. I've definitely haven't had one since I've been living in my current house, so I really have NO idea where it came from. Yet there she is, carrying it around like a prize.

After I stopped laughing, I did what anybody would do: grab the camera and document the whole thing:

See how she is giving me sass and sticking her tongue out at me because I tried to take her toy? Willie is all "Chill out, sister. Take some time to reflect."

Kimmie says: "I will go murder train on you, bra padding."

OK, is dead now. I'm done with this toy.

Curiously, this disappeared the next morning. I'll probably find it years from now under the bed or stuffed in the corner of the closet.


  1. Where DO they find this stuff? And just when you've forgotten about a toy or think they have lost it, they will find it and start playing with it. This is so awesome. I love how she's going to murder train that bra pad.

    I like to think of Willie as like, a yoga teacher or something. I think he might be a hippie. Reflection.

  2. Hilarious!!! I love how they turn anything into a toy. Yesterday here it was dental floss (in the container) and a kids touch and feel book about kittens (to give to the pseudo-nephew for Easter). I personally think Espresso was just jealous of the cute cat on the cover. ;) we've also had silk flower blooms popped off the stem, dried baby's breath from my wedding flower altar arrangement (very naughty!), shiny bows, pens, photos and magnets from the refrigerator (don't even want to know how those happened), and many many more. Enjoy those cute and sassy kitties! they grow up so fast.

  3. Dude, could it be from a swimsuit?! That's my magical thought of the day.

    Cute kitties!

  4. I am so in love with the both of them! My black cat Oskar needs to find someone like Willie to hang out with just so I can get a picture of their puffy black and whiteness together.

    Thank you for introducing me to the phrase "murder train" and thank you for coming by my blog. It's about time you started one too!!! You have to be hilarious if you are related to Amanda. :)

  5. They are so cute! I want to get a cat! At least they don't drag your undies out of the hamper like a dog.
