Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Dancing with the Tolerant

It is finally here: Season 10 of Dancing with the Stars! According to ABC, this is the season of stars that all the other (much lamer?) seasons has been building up to...since, you know, Jake the Bachelor and Kate Gosselin were big "stars" back in 2005 when the show started... WAIT A MINUTE, they could barely be considered stars NOW!

I am looking forward to this season more than Season 9.  Of course, Season 9 began less than a week after I lost my 18-year old cat: sweet, dearly-departed Katy Sue Wigglesworth. Katy and I watched every season with DWTS together, and since she is not here to defend her good name, I will tell you right now, she LOVED to watch it and also LOVED dancing with me. She especially loved doing Samba rolls. So most of my Season 9 viewing ended with me in tears because the show just wasn't the same without a cat somewhat tolerating me making her dance.
Don’t let the fact that her back is to the tv fool you.  She enjoyed every last minute of DWTS.
This new season meant I needed to find myself a new cat dance partner, because there is nothing I love more in life than making animals dance! I started with Kimmie, trying to make her dance along to the opening credits. She had no idea what was going on and pinned her ears back and looked straight at Goog like “Mommy has lost it. PLEASE HELP ME.” Then she wiggled herself up onto my shoulder just to get away.  Major sad face. Willie’s turn was next and we did a cha-cha-cha along with Cincinnati Bengal Chad Ochocinco. Willie was actually very tolerant and let me shake his stubby little arms.  He really seems to like dancing, at least in comparison to Kimmie. I think I have myself a new dance partner!!

Chad Ochocinco got straight 6’s this week, but I'm hoping he'll do better next week because he is a "Cincinnati guy". I drive past the Bengal's stadium every day on my way to work and DWTS is always more fun when there is a local celebrity on the show (like Drew Lachey and Jerry Springer from previous seasons- also "Cincinnati guys").   Willie thought HIS score was 18, so he, being the sensitive soul that he is, burrowed under his red blanket to reflect.

“I am reflecting on my score, not on my dislike of dancing.”
Also, as a sidenote, Tim Allen of Buzz Lightyear fame was sitting with Buzz Aldrin’s wife. I’m sure having Buzz Aldrin on this season had absolutely nothing to do with the upcoming, highly-anticipated release of Toy Story 3. *Giggles*


  1. So glad you found a new kitty dance partner. I think Willie will really find his groove too. Maybe Kimmie can be a judge?

    It is fun making animals dance. Hubby makes the dog "play drums" to the theme song from CSI. ;)

    I am not watching this season of DWTS though. I didn't last season either, I guess. Pam Anderson just freaks me out and 80% of the "stars" on there are less of stars than their pro dancers! Although it would be fun to see some of them fall on their faces (Kate, I'm talking to you!) I'm hoping that next season is better, star-wise. Who am I kidding, it'll probably be Octomom 2.0 and one of the girls from Rock of Love 500. ;)

    You should make DWTS a weekly installment with your commentary! Then I won't feel bad for not watching it. :)

  2. OH my gosh, I cannot tell you how much I love the picture of Willie reflecting. I didn't get a chance to dance with my kitties, although Cheeto LOVES to dance.

    Yes, good thing DWTS exists for people like Kate + 8 and Jake, because where else would they extend their 15 minutes?
